It’s Time To Reverse the Cycle of Homelessness in California.
Join the fight to house every Californian.
Our Mission
We’re Bring CA Home, and we’re proud to be a diverse coalition of homelessness advocates, local government, and nonprofit staff, affordable housing and providers, and community organizations dedicated to reversing the cycle of homelessness in California.
California is the 5th largest economy in the world, but our homelessness crisis threatens the California dream and puts hundreds of thousands of our neighbors in danger of early mortality, criminalization, and trauma. In fact, over 171,000 Californians experience homelessness at any point in time; two to three times that number experience homelessness during the course of a year.

Californians homeless on any given night

of California voters want our state government to address homelessness
We know what works to end homelessness: housing affordable to people experiencing it. We need our state leaders across housing, health, social services, justice, aging and emergency services sectors to invest in proven solutions. That’s why Bring CA Home advocates for statewide policy solutions to secure a bold but achievable goal: to secure ongoing revenue at scale to fund policy strategies proven to end homelessness.
Right now, California’s leaders have yet to pass any long-term, guaranteed ongoing funding needed to end homelessness. That needs to change. Our leaders must make bold, lasting investments to ensure people can exit homelessness for good.
As we envision a way to a stronger California, it’s imperative that fighting homelessness is a part of our recovery. We’re supporting a transformational approach to tackle homelessness with investment at scale, bold solutions, and continued funding--just like Governor Newsom called for and the public demands.